Dry Bag


Dry Bag


Dry Bag UST


Dry Bag keeps your gear Safe and is orange so it is easily found, it holds up to 15 Litres, great to keep your gear safe when camping backpacking, hunting, Fishing or doing outdoor water activities. The top closure provides a tight seal every time, plus features a buckle with integrated whistle for emergencies and D-ring for hanging extra gear or securing the bag. The water-resistant bag keeps your stuff safe from moisture and the high-visibility logo makes it easy to find in the dark.

Details of this Dry Bag:

  • Safe & Dry-Bag Holds Up To 15 L
  • Water-Resistant
  • Top Closure Seals Tight
  • Buckle With Integrated Whistle for Emergencies
  • D-Ring for Hanging Extra Gear or Securing The Bag
  • High-Visibility Reflective Logo for Locating it in the Dark

For 80 years and four generations, UST Brands has provided reliable, affordable problem-solving gear for survival situations and emergency preparedness.





Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

5 Litre, 10 Litre, 15 Litre, 25 Litre